Tuesday, March 10, 2015

50 Interesting Facts About Thomas Alva Edison

World’s Greatest Scientists/Inventors

One of the greatest inventors of all-time is Thomas Edison. He is well-remembered for the hundreds of inventions he made.

Here’s a long list of important and interesting things about this great inventor.

1.) Thomas Edison is an American inventor and is one of the greatest inventors of all time.

2.) He was born in Milan, Ohio, USA on February 11, 1847. He died on October 18 1933 at the age of 86.

3.) Thomas Alva Edison is of Dutch and British ancestry.

4.) Edison attended school for 3 months only in Port Huron, Michigan. This was his only formal public education.

5.) His mother continued his education, teaching him reading, writing, and arithmetic. She also read to him from well-known English writers, such as Edward Gibbon, William Shakespeare, and Charles Dickens.