Monday, March 9, 2015

Ooga Booga

Ooga Booga


  • 54 Game play cards
  • 1 Instruction booklet
  • 1 Storage Tin

Game Play:

After each player is dealt his card, it is time for the first player to start. The first player to go, says the name on the card or does the action and ends with "ha". The next player places his card on top and has to remember the card of the previous person and then do his command again ending with "ha". This goes on until the first person messes up the chain of command. 

For example, you might get cards  that say "cha", "aka", "toto", and "ta". If the person going accidentally says "cha", "aka", "toto", "kana" then he messed up the pattern and his turn is over and he has to take three cards. The card pile starts again. The person to use up all of his cards is the winner. 


I got this game as a holiday gift for my girls just because of the title. I have a silly family and letting them be silly is what they enjoy. I was not sure what to expect from this game until we started to play it. To start off with, Ooga Booga was well worth the investment. 

Ooga Booga is a silly game that was inspired by cavemen. There are no real words and so after a few round of playing, we all end up grunting and banging away. This game is so silly and great for families, that we end up crying from laughter every time we play.


  • Fun
  • Whole Family
  • Builds memory skills
  • works on concentration
  • Easy to play
  • Fast paced game


  • If you are not a fan of good silly fun, this is not for you.


  • Surprisingly, I can use this game with my special needs clients. Some of the kids I work with are working on reading skills and memory skills. I start off by having my child read one of the cards. After they do that, they have to remember the silly word they read. They then take another card and read it adding it to the pile. Now they have to remember two silly words. This can last for about three to four words with practice. The kids think they are playing a game but for me, we are working on two skills.
  • See if you can play the game going backward. Again if the cards say "cha", "aka", "toto", and "ta" say this all but starting with "ta". It will sound like "ta", "toto", "aka", "cha". If you thought the original way played with your memory, this will keep you selecting cards faster then you can keep up with the rest. 

Bottom Line:

I bought Ooga Booga as a silly gag gift for my family. In the end, I ended up with a game that made us all laugh. When we have people over, we often ask them to join us for a game of Ooga Booga and we never know what will happen. Once we even had a person sit down with the cards and made up a cave man song with the silly phrases. This game is well worth investing in. 

Rating: 5/5

*If your family is all into laughter and you would like to purchase Ooga Booga, I encourage you to click on the links.