Wednesday, March 18, 2015

We Are With You A Tribute to all Protestants from Jadavpur University

If it was necessary to brutally,physically attack students of one of the most esteemed universities of India,then we might think of many more things necessary to eradicate the corrupt,insane and maniacal party that is currently residing in this so called system.I have always been maintaining a certain professionalism while writing political,but the limits - every limit has been crossed.And it cannot be accepted anymore.We,students,are disgusted and agitated.How dare the police act like that with the students?This is an universal insult to students.After this,the police will rush in the middle of History Class when school students are reading about Russian Revolution or daring to pronounce the name of any other communist or socialist parties.Or anything they do - perhaps singing inside the campus will be stated not allowed.No one has given any party the monopoly right to convert our prestigious institutions into prison cells.We are not prisoners,we are students.Moreover,forces cannot be allowed like that into a college without proper arrest warrant and the students cannot be carried off in police vans in the middle of the night with no trace of any documentation but harsh voices and boots and brutal attacks.

Is that the way you treat young women?Really?You have no right to physically assault any woman,no matter how big criminals they are.And I do not understand how you pick students up and physically assault them and then do not accept FIRs. What democracy are you talking about?This is not just about SFI. This is not just about Jadavpur University.This is happening everywhere.Today,can someone answer what justice we were able to bring for Sudipto Gupto? This terrorist governance murdered that boy and nothing happened.Simply nothing happened.Just someone lost his life.You are responsible for ending your reign.If you want to know what is going on in West Bengal (if anyone outside India is reading this),please go watch The Great Dictator and I would not have to explain it anymore.

Please Like The Facebook Hokkolorab (These are two Bengali words.Hok means Let it happen and Kolorab means Noise) Page to support us in this protest.The protest is gradually getting internationalised and we hope to gain support from every student with a proper moral base.

Thanks to all of you.Raising your voice is important.No matter how little part of the struggle it gets to be.Millions of droplets will make an ocean.Long Live Revolution!

Disclaimer - The video posted is not owned by me.