Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Dear Mom Im Sorry I Drank Your Last Pepsi

Dear Mom Im Sorry I Drank Your Last Pepsi

I remember it so clearly. When I was a little girl I went in the pantry looking for a sweet snack. On the shelve where my mom kept the soda, I saw it there.  The last can of Pepsi, the only soda my mom drinks.  And I wanted it and I took it! My mom looked up from the table where she was sitting reading and saw my open and start drinking her last can of soda and I could tell she was upset. She was clearly mad but what struck me was that she was also very very sad.  She was probably saving that soda for her own special treat and I just took it. The worst part? I didnt even like Pepsi that much.

For a very long time I couldnt figure out why my mom was so upset. I mean come on, it was just a can of soda!  She was an adult and she could go buy more whenever she wanted, and I was a kid who was only allowed to have soda on rare special occasions.  Then I became an adult and I could buy whatever soda and whatever other treats I pleased and it was good.

Then I became a mom.

I cannot have one tasty treat to myself without a little voice piping up "can I share that?" I dont think Ive finished an apple or clementine or especially a cookie all to myself in years!  I have actually eaten a container of yogurt in the bedroom just so I could have it all to myself.  And if my little guy took my last can of soda, or cookie or the other treat I was hoping to eat later, I was probably have tears in my eyes, too!

So now, my mom, now I understand why you were so upset about that can of soda. And you might not remember that incident, but I certainly do, and I am very sorry I drank your last Pepsi!

Sound familiar? Do you ever hide out so you can enjoy a treat to yourself? Comment below with your story!

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