Monday, June 25, 2018
My laundry utopia
My laundry utopia
I mentioned a little while ago that I was up to my elbows in taupe paint because I was remodeling my laundry room (I may have referred to the shade of paint as "u-taupe-ia," if you can believe that). Anyway, I want to share with you the fruits of my labor.
As a (mostly) stay-at-home mom, I get to play pretend a lot. I pretend to be a teacher, a maid, a gardener...But my favorite thing to pretend to be is an interior decorator. Though, a handyman comes in close second. You see, Ive had LOTS of practice at those two jobs since weve basically renovated our entire house since we bought it just over a year ago. For proof, check out the time I transformed the "bruise wall" into a magical sunroom retreat.
Back to the laundry room: it was old and horribly gross, but I knew a couple cans of paint and some new floors would fix it right up. Take a look!
The cabinets were updated with a fresh coat of white paint. And the handles that did not match with each other at all were replaced with handles that were all the same.
I love how it turned out! Now I have my own personal laundry utopia.
And, the best, most awesome part of this whole remodel? Making my own stainless steel countertops.
Did you even know there was such a thing as stainles steel paint?? Or someone crazy enough to paint it on their counters? Oh, yes, I did.
But, to see the details (and the stunning results) of my countertop transformation, youre gonna have to check out my guest post at Momma Bird. Hope you enjoy! (And say hi to Michelle while youre there. Shes awesome. And crafty. And reads stories on video.)