Monday, June 25, 2018

Norway Utøya “Wrong Time Wrong Place” documentary to open 25th IDFA

Norway Utøya “Wrong Time Wrong Place” documentary to open 25th IDFA

Photo: The Ugandan refugee Rita was pregnant, had actually  no money, but decided at the last moment to travel to Ut�ya
Director John Appel�s film about last year�s mass shooting and bomb attack in Norway will open the 25th annual International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, which takes place from November 14-25.

Wrong Time Wrong Place (pictured), which was produced by Carmen Cobos, is billed as an �essay on the insignificance of life and the role played by chance� that uses the July 22, 2011 mass killing on the Norwegian island Utoya and concurrent bombing in the capital Oslo as a starting point. Several people caught up in the violence explain how their lives changed forever that day, including members of the families of victims and a man who had a chance meeting with Anders Breivik, the man later convicted of carrying out the attacks, on a ferry.

�The film shows how small, seemingly trivial events can upset the fine balance between life and death,� the festival�s organizers wrote in a press release.

To mark the festival�s 25th year, the film will screen on the same evening in 25 cinemas throughout the Netherlands.  (Source:  Realscreen)


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