Monday, July 30, 2018

How to get things done or the Costco follow up

How to get things done or the Costco follow up

I wrote recently about the ugly scene I unintentionally caused at Costco.  I was so upset about it that I kept finding myself sitting and stewing about it.  So I wrote a letter to my local Costco.

I tried not to complain (too much) about what had happened; I really just wanted to bring light to the fact that the seating situation was causing problems.  Id struggled with it, and Id seen others with strollers or wheelchairs having similar issues.

I mostly just wanted to get it off my chest and let it go.  Lets call it healing.

But then, a miraculous thing happened.  I got a phone call from the manager of the local warehouse.  He was truly sympathetic (has twins himself, and we swapped stories about how hard it is to get around in lots of stores with strollers and kid gear) and apologetic. 

I shared my few suggestions with him (wider aisles, move some of the trash cans from the ends of the aisles where people could sit with strollers), and he acknowledged them and thanked me. I figured that was the end of it: Hed done his duty to make me feel heard and hopefully smooth things over so I didnt abandon my bulk-buying ways.

Then, a couple days later, I went into the Costco.  And I was SHOCKED.  They had totally rearranged the food court.  Theyd gotten rid of some tables to widen the aisles.  Theyd moved trash cans.  Theyd cleared out an area across from the tables for people to park their carts.  It made a huge difference.

I bought a slice of cheese pizza just to try it out.  And there was plenty of room.  Best of all, nobody yelled at me.

It turns out that the manager had been truly concerned with doing what he could to correct the situation.  He wasnt just aiming to please me; he actually wanted to make the store a better place. And you know what?  It felt good.

Usually Im completely non-confrontational.  Im a people-pleaser to the core.  I dont complain, and I dont write letters.  If this hadnt involved my son and my job as his mother, I dont think I would have had the guts to do it.  But Ive never been happier to step outside of my comfort zone.  It may not be life-altering, and its almost certainly not the answer for world peace, but I do feel - in some small way - that Ive made the world a better place.

If this is the person motherhood is making me, Ill take it!

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