Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Still Studying!

Still Studying!

I havent given up - I am still studying.

I can still feel an improvement in my Korean, every now and then I have moments when I feel really happy with my progress.  Example: the other day my wife was running late dropping my daughter at school and her teacher called to say that Erin was not at school and that she had called my wife but there was no answer - I understood the whole conversation and her teacher understood my reply, something along the lines of "oh, Erin is not there and no answer from my wife. Please wait I will try to call her"...

I have some posts pending, if only in thought - I have been studying quite hard with the exception of last week, which was spent navigating the various spreadsheet that my company produced to make the simple Korean taxation system, almost unbearable! and which sucked all my free time for most of the week!

What have I been doing  study-wise?

1: Weekly Grammar / TOPIK Class
2: Weekly Sogang 2A class
3: Writing practice: - I got myself a new notebook and have been copying (mainly) childrens books into it (as they are easy for me to understand)
4: Watching T.V. - not a lot but I have managed to watch a couple of contemporary social issue program and bits of the odd Drama.  _ I like the sensational issue programs as I feel that they are relevent and they are quite easy to understand... I have missed ?! -   The dating show for a couple of weeks :(
5: LingRing.net - Still enjoying using this site for correcting my writing.
6: Conversations.  I have seen my sister-in-law a bit more recently as she sometimes stays at our place as it is near one of the places she works so slowly, think I am improving with general chit-chat.  I am comfortable talking to her so I dont mind making mistakes...

These are the study methods that I am currently using - I will write more about them over the next few days.

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