Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Using MDT DB to get location specific Domain Joining parameters in SCCM OSD

Using MDT DB to get location specific Domain Joining parameters in SCCM OSD

If you have multiple domains as me and want to automate domain joining task by sensing locations automatically in SCCM OSD, you can use MDT DB to do it easily. You can also do this by adding more actions with different queries to your TS or customizing your coustomsettings.ini. But I prefer using MDT DB as changes there doesnt need to be refresh as packages, GUI makes it easier to manage and more foolproof, etc.

All you need to do is modifying location details on your MDT DB and call these variables in your SCCM TS.

So first edit your location details in MDT Workbench, youll need to edit four values here as shown below.

DomainAdmin :
The name of the account used to join the domain. Example : OSDAdmin
DomainAdminDomain : The domain of the account used to join the domain. Example: Domain1
DomainAdminPassword : The password of the account used to join the domain.
JoinDomain : The name of the domain in which the computer should be placed. Example: Domain1.local
MachineObjectOU : The OU in which the computer account should be created (if it does not already exist)., Exaple: OU=NewComps,DC=Domain1,DC=Local

Then youll need to modify your "Apply Network Settings" action in your TS to use values in MDT DB. It is very as MDT Workbench displays these as it is. So all you need to do adding % to the start and the end of the variable as below.

Domain : %JoinDomain%
DomainOU : %MachineObjectOU%
Account : %DomainAdmin%
Password : %DomainAdminPassword%

All done, now you can test it.

Please note that youll need a working SCCM and MDT integration to use this method first.

visit link download