Sunday, July 29, 2018

Will Compose for Food!

Will Compose for Food!

If theres one thing I can always count on, its that after the last note of my holiday concerts has sounded, the last drop of egg nog has been drunk, and the New Years confetti has been swept up, a certain fear starts to creep in and I wonder "Will I ever work again?" Now - after a quarter century of composing and performing music, you would think that I would have a certain confidence that the phone will keep ringing. But I still sweat just a bit....

I just returned from an amazing trip to Kenya and Uganda. They say a picture is worth a thousands words. Well - here are a few thousand words then that will give you a small idea of what Ive been up to the last few weeks. [CLICK HERE] There will be more where this came from INCLUDING my once-in-a-lifetime trip to see the mountain gorillas!

While youre looking at those, Ill get busy planning some great new music projects that should make 2008 the "Bestor" year yet.

Happy New Year!


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