Monday, July 2, 2018

Ep 381 The Professional Left Podcast

Ep 381 The Professional Left Podcast

by Me!  click for larger

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 381 The Republican Civil War, Russiagate and AHCA Fail

March 23, 2017

Donald Trump had a very bad week. Jury is still out as to whether it was worse for Devin Nunes and Paul Ryan. Where's Vladimir? Local News connects nearly always to national politics, and vice versa. More at

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Links for this episode:

Springfield State Journal-Register:  School Swap!
Governing Magazine:  Good government is people helping people.
Blue Gal at C&L:  Anatomy of a GOP Town Hall (Its not pretty)
Driftglass at C&L:  Rodney Davis
Vox  Trump and Tribal Epistemology

Have another Bluegal photoshop (click for larger)

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